To provide the Virgin Islands (British) population with effective social service to empower, promote and enrich their quality of life, while fostering individual independence. Service - None -Job Search/Placement for the DisabledLegal AidManagement of Community CentresMentorship ProgrammeProbation/Parole Officer ServicesPublic AssistanceCare and Protection ServicesCommunity ConsultationDisability ServicesElderly Services ProgrammeFoster Care and Adoption Island - None -TortolaVirgin GordaAnegadaJost Van Dyke Please select the island where you received the service Date when you received or applied for the service How satisfied are you with the ministry or department you visited? - Select -SatisfactoryUnsatisfactory What words best describe your experience with the department? Clear Guidelines/Processes Efficient Organised Quick Service Ineffcient Slow Service Unclear Guidelines/Process Unorganised How was the overall customer service experience? Comments